
Saturday, 31 October 2015

Five nights at Freddy's, skeleton and serial killer

On October the 30th Mr Reid told us to draw something or someone we would want to wear for Halloween for our digital art. Here is what I drew, not bad right. Freddy from five nights at Freddy, mixed with a skeleton body and a serial killer.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Sunken Treasure Found In Wellington Harbour

On October 12 2015 a crew of 5 wellington harbor cleaners found more than 800 gold coins in the wellington harbor. It was found covered with 577 cans, 116 bottles, credit cards and a clothes iron. People are still trying to figure out if it is worth a lot and why it was sunken.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Big Mac Sold Bitten!

big macOn October 23, 2015 a woman from Auckland left disgusted after finding her Big Mac has been bitten. She posted a photo on Facebook that her burger was bitten and explained her experience. She eventually went to the manager, but the manager said it was impossible. A while later they found out that someone gave it back bitten looking desgusted and it was resold. The manager then apologized and everything went back to normal. image from kiwi kids news

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Upside Down House!

It's Saturday morning 6:00 am and instead of sleeping in my dad woke us all up. You might be wondering why, well it's because our house was a huge mess.Anyway, we had this huge mess in our hands to clean so we smacked our hands together and started cleaning up. At 7:00 am we had porridge for breakfast, My siblings and I fell asleep when we finished cleaning.  We woke up to our Koro, (old man/ grand father) mum, and dad shoving their faces with, caramel chocolate, ice-cream and KFC, so I quickly got up and scored me some.The permission details

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Shake out drill!

Today at 9:15 am the bell rang 3 times, ring, ring, ring. I remembered that Mr Reid told us that we were going to have a shakeout drill*, so everyone including me and Mr Reid went under our desks. Later my friend Samuel and I played rock paper scissors. Not long after Mr Reid took photos.What a way to start a day, under our desks. *A shakeout drill is an earthquake drill that all NZ schools do.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


The second planet from the sun is Venus, I reckon it is one of the worst planets in our Solar System. It is always covered with clouds full of little drops of acid. It is nearly as large as the earth and the air around it is poisonous. The trapped heat in the clouds make it the hottest planet and to make it worse the surface is covered with lava and volcanoes. The planet is so hot that it would melt zinc and metals (and I thought Mercury was the hottest planet.)

Monday, 12 October 2015

Sausage Sizzle Term!

Yay! We're back to school and this term is going to be AWESOME. Our teacher Mr Reid told us that every Wednesday we might get a notice that says sausage sizzles are for sale. The sausage sizzles are only one dollar and are delicious. I can't wait because i'm going to buy a bunch of them. Well I can't stand talking about sausage sizzles until I get one, so catch you later.

Sausages In Bread image From Alpha